


  Ancient Greek myths of Rome has handed down for about more than three thousand years. Brilliant and grand scenes, vivid and distinct personalities, exquisite plot, so it was overwhelmed by all over the world readers. The Greek myth story is the same as the Bible that has a comprehensive influence to the whole human religious, philosophy, thoughts, customs, natural science, literature and art. When we contact with the western culture, we will meet some literary quotation that almost comes from the Greek myth story, and almost all the classical western literary can find the plot or characters that involved or directly originated from Greek mythology. Just as the Bible we need understand, we also should know the myth stories. That not just a literary works, also a production of culture of that time and an exhibition of the social surroundings and problems of the current western countries

  What impressed me most is Trojan War.The whole story is very touching, shocked the soul, the story of the choice of characters and plot changes compared to very obvious.

  First:love: Paris is a handsome, rich and romantic prince, he has been living in the shelter of his brother and father, happy and affectionate live, he had a lot of love, his romantic at the same time, but not the real love, when he met Helen, he was an instant love is so deep, he and Helen decided to run away when the great power of the derivative of that kind of love, let a queen to elope to another country, this is the cause of the two countries of the war. Love is love, love in front of all obstacles is free, this is the greatness of love.

  Second, family: Hector is the prince of Troy, Paris’s brother, he in that Helen also with the ship back to Troy, determined to take back the Helen and Paris also said, Helen back. He would go back to Greece. Hector ears love his brother, do not want him to lose his life, so Hector ear in the war and family, the choice of family. The old king was informed of this situation, also chose the

  family. They all know that war is inevitable, and that is the war in two countries. Third, tolerance: hen Paris is willing to own and Mainilaosi (Helen’s husband) showdown. He knew himself no match for each other, but still decided to duel, but when his sword was thrown on the ground, he showed a weak and climb back to their positions,he and Helen’s dialogue, saying he is a coward, Helen is to he said: I want a man, can accompany me to the old, and not a warrior. “

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