





  War, that’s what people are fighting against. Virus, that’s the dreaded devil. The SARS in those days was very creepy. Now the tragedy repeats, and the epidemic breaks the peace. How many people can’t be reunited with their families because of him, how many people are still fighting in the front line of anti epidemic because of him, and how many people have lost precious lives because of him.


  There is such a academician who leads all comrades in fighting on the front line of critical illness, working day after day until the last moment of their lives. He is Liu Zhiming, the director of Wuchang hospital. On January 21, Liu Zhiming was assigned to receive 499 pneumonia patients at his Wuchang hospital. For three days without sleep, Liu Zhiming was really busy. The expansion of the hospital, the adjustment of medical staff, the increase of beds, everything needs Liu Zhiming’s confirmation. He is really busy.


  On the eve of the Spring Festival, Liu Zhiming’s identity changed completely. Now he is also lying in the ICU ward fighting against the disease. CT shows that his lung has been seriously infected. Even so, he kept on working in the ward. After a while, he called his colleagues to ask if the patient had received it. Then he immediately replied to the message to ask how to prevent and control the hospital infection. Facing the concern of his colleagues, he said: “I’m the Dean, I can’t lose it!” He also told his colleagues not to worry about him. When he recovered, he would fight side by side with everyone.


  Liu Zhiming’s wife is a head nurse in Guanggu district. His wife wanted to take care of Liu Zhiming, but he always replied “no”. Liu Zhiming knows that keeping his wife in the post will give more people hope for life. Liu Zhiming did not know that he would never be able to fight with his colleagues. On February 14, his condition suddenly deteriorated and he was transferred to other hospitals for rescue. Until the morning of February 18, he left us forever. We will always remember the name Liu Zhiming.


  No matter how long the dark night, the dawn will come. The epidemic is not over yet. We must continue. Let’s cheer for the heroes who are still fighting the epidemic!



  From 10:00 on January 23, Wuhan urban public transport, subway, ferry and long-distance passenger transport were suspended, and the airport and railway station departure channel from Wuhan was temporarily closed. Faced with the novel coronavirus infection of the new outbreak of pneumonia, Wuhan has taken more and more measures to prevent the spread of the disease.


  To prevent the spread of the epidemic, the key is to cut off the transmission of the virus. In recent days, novel coronavirus infection has increased the incidence of pneumonia, and the number of people infected with the disease has been increasing. At the same time, during the Spring Festival of the peak annual passenger flow, if the floating population in the epidemic center is not controlled effectively, it will inevitably lead to the further spread of the epidemic and bring greater difficulties to the prevention of the later epidemic. Under the condition that modern technology is not enough to identify all potential patients, it is necessary for Wuhan to cut off the transmission of the virus by the extraordinary means of “limiting access”, and also to better protect the life safety and health of the people.


  The sudden arrival of accidents and the upgrading of various prevention and control measures are bound to cause many inconveniences to people’s lives in Wuhan. The people of Wuhan have demonstrated their firm belief in fighting the epidemic with the spirit of sacrifice that takes the overall situation into consideration. Relevant aspects, we must take effective measures to ensure the normal life of the people of Wuhan. On the one hand, we should increase the supply of medical and living materials to Wuhan. On the other hand, we should severely crack down on bad market behaviors such as price bid up, maintain the normal price order, use practical measures to pacify people, and let the people of Wuhan know that the people of the whole country are with you.


  The whole city of Wuhan has entered a “wartime state”, but this is not just a “war” of Wuhan, but a “war” shared by the people of the whole country and even the world. The epidemic is still spreading. All people in all regions should attach great importance to it ideologically, join in the fight against the new pneumonia epidemic, and work together to win the hard battle of epidemic prevention and control.



  In 2020, the virus sneaked into Wuhan, bringing a serious disaster to the people of Wuhan and a heavy blow to China. At the same time, many anti epidemic heroes emerged in China. The angel in white who treated the patient regardless of the danger, the reporter who rushed to the scene to report the epidemic at the first time, and the ordinary citizen who donated money anonymously What impressed me most was academician Zhong Nanshan who insisted on fighting the epidemic.


  In the SARS of 2003, we remember this brave man. He was 71 years old in SARS in 2003. He was busy in the hospital. He was 84 years old in the new crown of 20 years. He was still busy in the hospital. Years do not forgive, his face wrinkles more, age has become more. But the only thing that remains unchanged is his heart for the sick. He has been over the years of Huajia, but he still sticks to his post. As he spoke of Wuhan’s danger, he moved towards the “dangerous place”.


  In the reporter’s report, we saw firmness in his eyes. His unrequited figure is still printed in our hearts “What do I plan to do in my life, aren’t those patients?” this is what he said, which shows his adherence to the medical cause. An old man, every day wearing heavy protective clothing, all day in the hospital, he is worthy of our respect, a great man!


  What we can do now is to stay at home every day, do a good job of protection, and make sure that we are not infected to make their burden a little lighter. I also hope that those who depend on the epidemic to “make money” will “find out their conscience” as soon as possible. Others take their lives to protect patients, but you let others “pay to infect the virus”.


  In the end, we wish Wuhan all the best! Go China! We will always be with you, with you through this difficult time!

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